It has been too long since I've posted anything.

I'm working on something good. Check back shortly. Please.

Dillon State Park Nashport, Ohio

Driving and Wandering

You can see these smoke stacks from 20 miles away. Location: Nowhere, Ohio

Newark Earthworks

The history of this site is interesting. Walking around there, is not.

Photo Friday Submission: "Seashore"

Riviera Maya, Mexico

Photo Friday Submission: "Gloom"

The State of Ohio Asylum for the Insane Cemetery. Unfortunately, it wasn't as awesome as it soundds.

The New Bicentennial Park, Downtown Columbus.

Camp Chase Confederate Cemetary

A week of so ago while putzing around online, I discovered that there is a cemetery here in Columbus, Ohio dedicated to 2260 confederate soldiers. I dug a bit deeper and learned that the grounds that this cemetery stand on were once a part of Camp Chase which was a training camp for Ohio volunteer army soldiers, a parole camp, a muster-out post, and a prisoner-of-war camp. Pretty awesome.


This will happen. Soon.


Clifton Mill

Clifton Gorge 7.4.11

Still Driving

Going hiking.

Gas Meters Revisited

Again, I find these things interesting. I imagine that people are wondering what the hell I'm up to when they see me snooping around and photographing their gas meter.


I was kind of discouraged that no one was commenting on anything, but as it turns out, I didn't have things set up to receive comments. Well, it's fixed now, so comment away!!



Found Object Sculpture

This was made out of an old typewriter that I found in someone's garbage. I took it apart and spread the pieces out all over the floor. This is what I came up with. It is held together with wire and string all found within the typewriter. It was a lot of fun and I'm hoping to do something like this again soon.

PhotoFriday Theme "Sharp Focus"

I just noticed the green bug on the underside of the bulb. I didn't see it when I was taking the photo.


I don't know what kind of flower this is :o/

I don't go around taking photos of flowers very often, but I like this one.